The debug log files help us to analyze application, communication and other issues. These should NOT be confused with the real-time log files, which are CSV-style files of your ECU sensor real-time/live data!
Using the Web App or GS-911 Diagnostics PC Application
- Debugging should be enabled by default for the Diagnostics application so the following two steps should not be required.
- Go to the Options panel and check the box for 'Debug Enable'
- Select 'All debug messages' and 'Save' the Options configuration
- Execute the required functions and perform all actions that you want logged
- Go back to the Options panel and select 'View debug logs'
- This displays a list of debug files with the file number of the latest log mentioned above the list
- You can upload all your debug logs in one go, or download/upload individual log files
- If attaching a single debug file to your email or support-ticket, do not paste the binary contents into the text, but rather attach the file

Using the Legacy GS-911 PC Application
- Under Tools->Send Logs, just decide whether you want to send "Today's logs" or "This week's logs"
- enter your email address - so we can contact you in case we have more questions
- Add additional information, like the HelpDesk Ticket number or any other reference that we can connect to this set of log files.