A collection of GS-911 related video clips to help you get started. Feel free to pass them on, share them with your friends or embed them in your sites or relevant forums.
A step-by-step guide for registering your GS-911wifi. Registering your device will give you ownership & access to support.
A step-by-step guide on how to configure your GS-911wifi with your wifi infrastructure. Configuring your device will give you wireless access to your device via your local wifi.
A step-by-step guide on how to configure your mobile phone to connect to your GS-911wifi via a mobile phone hotspot.
See just how easy it is to launch and connect to your GS-911wifi interface using either iPhone/iPad or an Android device.
A quick overview of the GS-911wifi Utility for MAC & Windows PC. This utility allows you to Register your device, Configure the wifi of your GS-911wifi interface and perform Firmware updates.
A short overview of the GS-911wifi Device-to-Device (D2D) mode and how it relates to infrastructure mode. In D2D mode, the GS-911wifi becomes a little wifi Access Point that your mobile device can connect to when there are no wifi networks available.
Here is an outdated 5 minute video detailing the downloading and installation procedure of the GS-911 PC software.
Here is a 1:24 minute video on how to open a GS-911 .CSV log file and view the real-time data, using the free Live-Graph application. There is absolutely no requirement to use Live-Graph to view or plot CSV data… it is easy to use for those that are challenged by such tasks.
Here is a 5 minute video of our GS-911 Emergency Diagnostic ScanTool in action (published March ’08) – The Java Midlet version is no longer supported, however this video is kept for its historic value and archival purposes. Lots of new functionality added since – have a look at the new GS-911wifi.
Here’s a short clip on how to replace the ring-antenna in an emergency. Although this is shown on a F800GS, this holds true for any of the CAN-bus models.
NOTE: The Midlet Java version has been discontinued and this Video is for reference only!
Here’s a 2:20 minute video tutorial showing you how to install the GS-911Mobile.jar file, pair the GS-911 and the phone and then configure the application – this is for all mobile phones (excluding WinMobile 5 & 6 – we have a separate application for those). You can download the GS-911Verifier.jar for free to test whether your phone can run the GS-911Mobile.jar version.
NOTE: The Windows Mobile 5 and 6 version has been discontinued and this Video is for reference only! Here’s a 02:40 minute video tutorial showing you how to pair, install and set up a WinMobile 6 device for use with GS-911.
Here is a 1 minute “Tool Tip” video on how to make your own multi-functional Brake-bleed bottle…
Here’s a 3 minute video showing how to remove a broken Electronic Fuel-pump Controller and powering the fuel pump using one of the bypass cables available from www.burnsmoto.com (thanks to Stephen Burns).