Frequently Asked Question

How do I know if I have a counterfeit(clone) or genuine GS-911?

How to identify a counterfeit or fake GS-911 device

  • Counterfeit product is often shipped with a mini-CD containing an older, hacked version of the PC software. (We don't include CD's or mini-CD's with our products. You should always download and install the latest version of our software directly from our website)
  • The round connector is of extremely poor quality and has ALL the pins populated
  • When powered up, the LED remains BLUE
  • There are no bar-coded label containing the device serial number and production date on the box or GS-911 device
  • The software shows incorrect User details
  • The software does not require you to Register your GS-911 device (We require you to do so for warranty purposes)
  • The documentation may discourage you from updating the software. A software update may detect and inform the user of unauthentic hardware.

Buy from an official distributor/reseller

The list of official distributors/resellers can be found on our website.

We have pretty strict rules and regulations, governing our resellers, and promotional discounts have to be cleared, before they may be applied... Hence, the golden rule applies : If the price seems to good to be true... it probably is!

We do NOT manufacture in the Far East or China, and if you see anyone selling a device from there, for a price distinctly lower than the official retail price, then you can be quite sure that you're seeing a counterfeit product.

Naturally no support or warranty will be available to any users with such counterfeit GS-911 devices! Nor can we guarantee the correct functioning of hardware that was not designed/manufactured by us, as our software is intended to be used solely with our original  hardware.

It goes without saying that customers are taking an immense risk using hacked/cracked hardware and/or software in general, as counterfeiters/cloners of such counterfeit software are notorious for embedding malicious code or some form of virus, trojan or spyware into such software!

What else can YOU do?

You can report the offending sites/seller to the payment, shipping and marketing channels they are using! The more complaints that these channels receive from an offending site, the more likely they will be to take appropriate action! Most large online marketplaces(Amazon/eBay) have a clear counterfeit policy and processes to follow.

PAYPAL, WesternUnion, HSBC and, Yahoo Messenger and Yahoo email : Put Fraud Alert in the subject line, reference the offending page and state that they are selling counterfeit items and thus they are making themselves complicit in collection of illegal income.

UPS: report to

TNT : report to

DHL : report to

Skype or similar social media: Add the offending party to your contacts. Once added, block and report abuse as above.

Twitter, YouTube and Facebook: currently these have to be contacted by us (HEX) directly... but if you know of pages and accounts on these media, pls let us know!