Frequently Asked Question

How do I use the button? Whats the difference between D2D and Infrastructure? Why can't I perform service functions in D2D?

In D2D (Device-to-device) the GS-911 serves as a WiFi Access point for other devices to connect to. In Infrastructure mode the GS-911 device connects to an existing WiFi Access Point.

The GS-911 WiFi device without the PC application, requires an internet connection to execute service functions from an internet cloud server as it does not have enough onboard memory to execute complex service functions itself. When it is set up for D2D functioning, the device itself is set up as the access point and cannot have an internet connection at the same time.

If you want to perform service functions from the cloud, you have to configure the unit for Infrastructure mode so that it can connect to the internet via a WiFi access router. Alternatively you can configure a smartphone as an internet hotspot.

The button on the back of the GS-911 WiFi device, can be used to toggle the device between D2D and a pre-configured Infrastructure access point.

The current WiFi mode is also displayed in the right hand bottom corner of the Web and Diagnostic application pages using icons similar to those embossed on the device.

For more information on setting up Infrastructure mode have a look at the instructional videos.

Alternatively, if you do not want to be reliant on an internet connection, you can use the standalone PC application available from our download page. The PC application will enable you to perform most service functions without having to have an internet connection.