Controller Service

XKOMBA Instrument Cluster

Function Group Function Description Series Support
Coding Functions Configuration Select units for distance, time, temperature, consumption etc. [C, K, R]
Custom Menu Order Show/hide and reorder menu tiles [C, K, R]
Lap Screen / Racetrack settings Coding for Sport Menu 2 with lap time data, and activation of Racetrack menu settings. [C, K, R]
RDC Display Settings Activate menu items and change displayed pressure set points [C, K, R]
Restore Coding Restore an online coding backup if available [K, C, R]
Shift Light Activate and customise the gear shift light [K, C, R]
Speed Display Options Maximum speed display limit, and true speed display options [C, K, R]
Sport Screen Activate and customise the Sport Screen display [C, K, R]
Startup Animation Select the animation displayed by the cluster when booting up [C, K, R]
Tachometer Customisation Choose the maximum RPM and the red-range behaviour [C, K, R]
XKOMBI Functions Reset service reminder Change the service reminder to an auto or custom generated date/distance [C, K, R]
Set cluster date/time Change the bike date/time to the computer date/time [C, K, R]