Domande frequenti

Il GS-911 non riesce a vedere o a connettersi al mio router wifi!

The third party wireless module used in the GS911wifi is set for the North American frequency range. This means it can connect to WiFi channels 1-11 in the 2.4 GHz range but not the 5GHz range.

If your WiFi router is configured to auto-change channels or use channels higher than 11 or the 5GHz range, GS911wifi will have trouble connecting.

If your WiFi router is further than 10m or behind a wall, the WiFi signal quality can be negatively affected.


Navigate to Setup->WiFi Setup->Network Test and perform 'Test network packet loss'. The device will test the WiFi connection to both the Browsing device and the Hex Cloud Server. Packet loss in excess of 5% will severely affect the quality and reliability of the user experience. Move the WiFi Access Point closer to the Bike or consider installing a WiFi Repeater/Extender.

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