December 11, 2016
December 2016 software updates available
Ignition key enable/disable functions for the BMS-K/KP/KP2 engine controllers and XEWS4 immobilizer controller. More service functions for the KMSK16 engine controller and the ZFE/L/H body controllers. Multicast DNS and NetBIOS resolve.


GS-911 PC Application Version 1612.7 and updates to the GS-911wifi web interface are now available.

New cloud service functions for GS-911wifi:

  • KMSK16 engine controller sensor adjustments on G450X
  • Further ZFE-Basic/ZFE-Low/ZFE-High body controller output tests on K024 bikes

New service functions for both the GS911 PC app and GS-911wifi cloud:

  • BMS-K/KP/KP2 engine controller ignition keys enable/disable on K024 bikes
  • XEWS4 immobilizer controller ignition keys enable/disable on K001 bikes

Changes specific to the PC application:

  • Added some autoscan info for XBCL, XBMSMP1, XBMSE2, XABS9M, XKOMBI18 controllers on newer K001 bikes
  • Added service functions for the BMS-E13 engine controller on G650 Sertao bikes
  • Added service functions for the KMSK16 engine controller on G450X bikes
  • Allow service reminder reset on new 2015+ R1200R and R1200RS bikes by writing acceptable interval distances
  • Allow service reminder reset on C600 Sport and C650GT scooters with KOMBI7x instrument clusters
  • Fixed incorrect distance values for CSV logs of real-time values when units are set to miles
  • Fixed some performance issues

Changes specific to the GS-911wifi web interface:

  • Now supports Multicast DNS and NetBIOS hostname lookup on OSX/Linux/Unix and MS Windows respectively (see details below)
  • Added device hostname to detail Wifi configuration display
  • Better spacing in headings for Realtime value logfile
  • Added some autoscan info for XBCL, XBMSMP1, XBMSE2, XABS9M, XKOMBI18 controllers on newer K001 bikes
  • Handle CAN diagnostic protocol for the 2016 F800GS
  • Show controller addresses for unknown KLINE controllers in Autoscan
  • Various bug fixes and enhancements

Service functions for the BMS-K* engine controllers affect K024 models: R1200, RnineT, HP2, R900, F800, F700, K1300, K1200 and S1000RR.

Service functions for the XEWS4 imobilizer controllers affect K001 models: R1200GS LC, S1000R ,S1000RR, S1000XR.

Service functions for the ZFE* body controllers affect K024 models: R1200, RnineT, HP2, R900, F800, F700, F650, K1300 and K1200.

Service functions for the KMSK16 engine controller affect G450X bikes.


Multicast DNS and NetBIOS hostname

It should now be possible to browse to the GS911wifi device even without knowing the IP address.
The user can input http://gs911_XXXX into the browser on MS Windows or http://gs911_XXXX.local into OSX or Linux and NetBIOS or avahi should resolve the IP automatically. XXXX is the last four digits of the device serial number.


Sample screenshots from the GS-911wifi web interface

XEWS4 Controller Enabled/Disable Keys


View Key Status


Disable Keys


Enable Key


ZFE Outputs


KMSK16 Sensor Adjust Menu


KMSK16 Sensor Adjust Instructions


KMSK16 Sensor1 Details


KMSK16 Sensor2 Adjust


KMSK16 Sensor1 Measure


KMSK16 Actuator Disable


KMSK16 Adjust Done
